
Make It Happen

 DAZZLES  :  (v) to charm.
started from going to the same school
same class
same interests
same passion
we thought of creating one dazzling gank to make our dreams happen.

Dheya Shafira
-she always looks good on everything she wears, she knows what is best for her-

Farahdiena NF
-her style is mostly into vintage, but still tries to mix&match styles-

Wiefa Aklima
-posing is her expert, she adopts inspiring styles-

Vanisa Indah
-she wears whatever makes her comfortable, yet still fashionable!-

and cheers! credits to:
Rifa Kamila
-an amazing and our patient photographer-

YOUR VOTE REALLY MEANS TO US :) www.pondsmakeithappen.com/scrapbook/gank/6361

1 comment:

The Fashion Philosophy said...

We adore the way you guys have styled everything! So pretty!

PS. We've a DORIS giveaway on our blog, check it out if you'd like! :)

ox from NYC,
